Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Too Much

I feel so overwhelmed. I feel like I should be excited for the end of the school year, but in reality I'm afraid of it. I can't believe that all of this stuff has to be done in the next month. I need to:
  1. finish my TPA 4 (so much work!),
  2. keep up with two classes' discussion boards each week, 
  3. blog (which isn't too bad) for TEP588, 
  4. do 2 more 3-4 page reading reflections for Ed. Psych., 
  5. complete the CIM 6 for TEP588, 
  6. do the motivation project for Ed. Psych., 
  7. write lesson plans for TEP588 and mentor visits, 
  8. answer case study questions for TEP588,
  9. read Palmer and Wong books, 
  10. do a law presentation for TEP588, 
  11. do a Faith Integration Project for TEP588,
  12. do a "teacher action plan" for Ed. Psych.,
All while continuously:
  1. planning lessons and curriculum for the classroom
  2. teaching in the classroom
  3. grading student work
  4. communicating with parents (which I've been doing a lot of)
  5. babysitting about 4 hours Mon. & Wed. nights
  6. attending class on Thurs. nights
  7. being a wife
  8. volunteering in the youth group at church

All while knowing that I don't have a teaching job for the fall, and I have to go back to working at Barnes and Noble for the summer (I was even laid off of the babysitting job because the mother quit her job).

I don't quite know how I'm going to get through this. I am trying really hard but I feel like there are literally not enough hours in the day and I am feeling depressed and hopeless without any time for myself.


  1. That's all? just kidding. You are doing a great job (sounds like) as a teacher in the classroom, your blogs are great, you participate in class.

    Yes you have a lot on your plate, just prioritize. I've been there, done that. There is a great reward waiting for you in a couple of weeks. Don't use excuses, just focus on what's due each week and complete what you can- for my class priority #1 is TPA #4, do that first then get the rest of the stuff completed. Just think once you finish your credential program you will be able to focus even more on your lesson plans, class mgmt, family, etc.

    Don't forget we always put the Lord first in everything we do. He puts us where He needs us. We forget sometimes that we are not in control of our lives- He is.

  2. We discussed the stress that students are under at our mentor meeting this morning. You are in good company in terms of feeling the stress. The good news is that, while teacher jobs seem to be non existent at this time, the situation seems to be temporary according to the experts. I believe this to be true. Over all of my years in education, I have learned that there is a cycle, lack of jobs back to jobs for every teacher. Hang in there. Having your credential puts you a step ahead of those who will unfortunately decide to leave the program or not enter teaching programs at all.

    As for your list...start checking each completed item off one by one. This really gives you a sense of the progress that you are making. At least you can cross mentor visits off the list. Best of luck and keep in touch!
